The most important tourist places in Chernihiv, Ukraine
Here are the most beautiful tourist places in Chernihiv, which we advise you to visit during your next tourist vacation:
blue lakes
blue lakes ukraine
The ecological complex of Blue Lakes is an ideal place to relax in Chernihiv, Ukraine, as it is one of the most beautiful places that you can start visiting during your tourist vacation.
Enjoy the amazing beauty of nature, breathe the fresh air, and the sparkling clear waters set in the midst of gorgeous pine forests. The waters of the lakes are distinguished by unusual healing properties, especially for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and various skin diseases. And that’s where there is a well-equipped beach area, camps for green tourism, cottages and rooms for rent.
Desna river
dysna river ukraine
The Desna River is one of the most famous tourist destinations that you can go to in Chernihiv Ukraine, for perfect walks filled with, it is one of the most beautiful rivers in Ukraine.
You can enjoy an array of fun recreational activities such as strolling along the river, or taking wonderful cruises, such as a guided boat tour for sightseeing, camping and fishing.