The most important tourist places in Winnipeg, Canada
Here are 10 of the most beautiful places to visit in Winnipeg, Canada, and we advise you to include them in your next tourism program. This is because they are places worth visiting and exploring:
Assiniboine Park and Zoo
Asinibion Park and Zoo
The park is Winnipeg’s oldest park, and is located on 445 hectares of lawns, mature trees, cultural facilities and an English garden. It also has a distinctive zoo and attracts tourists.
Enjoy relaxing in the vast green spaces, and breathing in the fresh air. As well as seeing a variety of different plants and animals, the most famous of which is a large number of polar bears. This is in addition to exotic species of animals such as Siberian tigers and red kangaroos.
Manitoba Children’s Museum
Manitoba Children’s Museum Canada
The Children’s Museum of Manitoba is a unique building, which attracts everyone of all ages to it. This includes 12 permanently interactive exhibitions, offering many interactive displays and activities.
Kids immerse themselves in learning and fun by climbing, exploring the different displays, and the milking machine. On top of that, take a tour to enjoy the outer space to the depths of the sea, learn how to operate the train and much more.
Fort Whyte Alive
Fort White Alive Canada
The reserve extends over an area of 259 hectares, and is considered one of the most famous amusement parks in Winnipeg, Canada. The reserve is known for its five lakes, herb gardens, boardwalks and a gorgeous aquarium.
The reserve also allows its visitors to view the herd of bison, visit bird feeding stations, and see owls. In addition to enjoying walking trails, biking, boating, kayaking in the lakes, and winter skating at the giant ice rink.