Mount Douglas is a family-run, 9-hole golf course surrounded by beautiful plantations and woodland.
Butchart Gardens
Butchart Gardens in Canada
No holiday in Sanica, Canada is complete without a visit to the fairytale Butchart Gardens. The history of the park dates back to 1907 AD, and many other parks were designed in it, and today it attracts nearly one million people annually.
The gardens of this location feature a variety of plants during all four seasons of the year. It is also home to the Japanese Garden and the Italian Garden. As well as ponds and fountains, and also enjoy fireworks and concerts. There is also a special section for children.
Gorge Waterway Park
George Waterway Park in Canada
George Waterway Park is one of the most important and most beautiful places to visit in Canada. The park is located on both sides of the waterway.
The park is home to picnic areas, a playground and a display of orchards. As well as boating, biking, and watching wildlife including seals and otters, and a variety of beautiful birds.
Cedar Hill Golf Club
cedar hill golf club canada
Cedar Hill Golf Club is the most famous and closest to the city centre. And that is where Sanich enjoys including many golf courses, which it provides for visitors to spend happy and enjoyable times. It is available all year round and consists of 18 holes.
That golf club is a separate entity, run by volunteers to promote golf on the course. It consists of three sections: men, women and children. Various competitions and social activities are held, as well as walking or jogging in the 3.5 km scenic trail that surrounds the stadium and enjoy the wonderful scenery.