Zoo in Yerevan
Yerevan Zoo What does Yerevan Zoo contain in Armenia?
What does Yerevan Zoo contain in Armenia?
Are you one of the people that animals bring happiness to? If you are one of those people, you will want to visit Yerevan Zoo, which is one of the most interesting places in the Armenian capital.
Yerevan Zoo is one of the most beautiful tourist places in Yerevan for a weekend in Armenia, located in a privileged place in Yerevan and extends over an area of about 25 hectares.
Yerevan Zoo was established in 1941 AD before the Great War that took place in Armenia, and it is a place that you cannot ignore when you visit Armenia.
When you visit Yerevan Zoo, you can see a number of rare exotic animals around the world, and there are also different species and types of familiar animals. In addition, the Yerevan Zoo has a pleasant and cool atmosphere in the summer.
The park includes a large number of wild animals, the most famous of which are leopards, lions, deer, monkeys, wild and mountain cats and bears, as well as various types of reptiles. Today there are about 2,300 animals of 210 species.
You can take photo in wolf cages and other photos with outdoor animals like llamas, bears, giant elephant and hippopotamus. As you can see a rich collection of multiple birds of different shapes and colors
Basic information about Yerevan Zoo
times of work
10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Entry prices
800 dram for adults
500 dram for kids
Yerevan Zoo website
Yerevan Zoo 3
Yerevan Zoo address map