My Best Travel

My Best Travel

Month: August 2024

Hotel rooms without walls in Switzerland

Hotel rooms without walls in Switzerland


The year 2020 brings us more and more oddities, hotel rooms without walls in Switzerland, open space, great views of the stars and only one large comfortable bed, guests also have their own butler, a local expert.




The company behind the new concept is called Zero Real Estate and now has seven “rooms” across Switzerland, and initially planned to install pictures of nature in the background to make the rooms appear in nature, before they took a step back and decided to implement the idea for real.




Rooms open in July and there is already a huge demand for reservations according to the owner, rates start at $300 per night, 2 rooms are fully booked for the rest of 2020, and there are 9,000 people on the waiting list.




The main element is that there is also an inner room nearby, if the weather suddenly deteriorates, a very important point that the owners of the project did not overlook.



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The 14 best and largest amusement parks and amusement parks in Europe

List of the best amusement parks in Europe



roller coaster, ghost train, princess castle and big wheel, . Discover the best theme parks in Europe. For children, as well as adults, Europe has hundreds of amusement parks. Discover our selection of the best amusement parks in Europe.




Paris France
Amusement parks in Europe
Fairy tales take a journey through 5 wonderful lands filled with classic attractions, performances and street parades. Rub your shoulders with arrogant pirates, zoom through time and space and gaze in awe at the unforgettable fireworks and light shows above Sleeping Beauty Castle.



Amusement parks in Europe
PortAventura is a theme park and resort in the south of Barcelona, ​​in Salou, Tarragona, Spain; in the Costa Dorada. It attracts around 4 million visitors annually making it the most visited theme park in Spain.

PortAventura Park is also the sixth most visited theme park in Europe. The resort also includes a Costa Caribe water park and four hotels. It is the largest resort in southern Europe. It has two airports within 30 minutes of it, including Reus, and there is a train station for PortAventura with connections to Barcelona and Salou.

Located in the south of Barcelona, ​​the park features five recreation areas based on historical civilizations (Mediterranean, Far West, Mexico, China and Polynesia) and one recreation area based on Sesame Street that opened for the 2011 season of the park.



Europa Park Europapark
Amusement parks in Europe
Europe Park
Europa Park is the largest theme park in Germany and the second most popular resort in Europe, after Disneyland Paris. Europa-Park is located in the southwestern German city of Rust, between Freiburg and Strasbourg, France.

The park is home to twelve roller coaster trains, the oldest of which is the Alpenexpress Mine, where a roller coaster speeds through a diamond mine, and the newest coaster is Arthur, a powered indoor/outdoor roller coaster and dark ride. Europa-Park has very high capacity roller coasters and attractions which means the park can accommodate up to approx. 50,000 guests per day.



Poitiers – France
Amusement parks in Europe
Future Scope
With over 46 million visitors since it opened, Futuroscope is one of the most popular and popular theme parks in France. And the only one of its kind in Europe!

Futuroscope is the perfect place to unwind, with 60 hectares of peaceful green countryside and 25 original experiences you won’t find anywhere else!

Enjoy the fantastic, fun and imaginative Futuroscope with more than 25 original experiences waiting for you in our amazing attraction theaters, where fantastic adventures, outrageous thrills, amazing excursions, fantasy evening shows and fantastic attractions deliver delights for all tastes and ages: gigantic-format movies, action-packed attractions, 3D tours with 4D effects, games, live shows, outdoor activities and more



Astérix Park
Amusement parks in Europe
Park Asterix
Parc Astérix is ​​a theme park in France, based on the Asterix stories (by Albert Uderzo and René Goscinny). It is located about 35 km (22 mi) north of Paris, 32 km (20 mi) from Disneyland Resort Paris and 20 km (12 mi) from the historic Château de Chantilly, in Pleilly in the department of Oise, opened in 1989.

Particularly known for its wide variety of rollercoasters, it has begun to incorporate games and themes from historical cultures such as the Romans, ancient Greeks and now Egyptians, but always into the visual style of the stories.



Gröna Lund
Stockholm, Sweden
Amusement parks in Europe
Grona Lund
Gruna Lund is an amusement park in Stockholm, Sweden. It is located on the waterfront side of the island of Djurgården and is relatively small compared to other theme parks, mainly due to its central location, which limits expansion. The 15-acre theme park has more than 30 attractions and is a popular venue for concerts during the summer.

Gröna Lund was founded in 1883 by James Schulthes. The roots of Grona Lund go back to the 1880s, making it Sweden’s oldest amusement park. In 1883, a German named Jacob Schulthes rented the area to set up “carousels and other amusement rides”, and until 2001, Schulthes’ descendants ran the Grona Lund. Before the creation of the amusement park, Gröna Lund was the name of a small park.

The park’s location is unique in the sense that most of the buildings are old residential and commercial buildings dating back to the 19th century. The buildings were therefore not built for the garden; Instead, the park is built around buildings.



Amusement parks in Europe
Gardaland is a theme park located in northeastern Italy. Opened on July 19, 1975, it houses “Gardaland”, “Gardaland Sea-Life” and “Gardaland Hotel”. It is adjacent to Lake Garda while not overlooking it.

The entire complex covers an area of ​​445,000 square meters (4,789,940 square feet), while the single theme park has an area of ​​200,000 square meters (2,152,782 square feet). Inside there are mechanical attractions and a water well. It is visited every year by nearly 3 million people.

Gardaland has been ranked by Forbes magazine as number five in the ten best theme parks in the world with the best turnover and eighth in Europe in terms of number of park visitors.



Tivoli Gardens
Copenhagen, Denmark
Amusement parks in Europe
Tivoli Gardens
Tivoli Gardens (or simply Tivoli) is a popular amusement park and amusement park in Copenhagen, Denmark. The park opened on August 15



1843 It is the second oldest amusement park in the world, after Dyrehavsbakken in nearby Klampenborg.

With 4.033 million visitors, Tivoli is the second most popular seasonal park in the world, the most visited theme park in Scandinavia and the fourth most visited in Europe, after Disneyland Paris, Europa Park Roost and Efteling.



Walibi’s world
Brussels, Belgium
Amusement parks in Europe
Walibi’s world
Walibi Belgium is a unique theme park for the whole family in Belgium. 40 attractions including 16 for kids, street animation, 1 water park, and more!

Walibi Belgium is the perfect theme park to visit with family and friends. The park has attractions for all ages. The famous Radja River, the Calamity Mine and all other family attractions…

Sit in one of the exciting attractions in Walibi Belgium. Face high speeds or dizzying heights! Put your hands high in the air, feel the wind in your hair and…don’t forget it.



Amusement parks in Europe
Efteling is a unique theme park with a fantasy atmosphere and a wide range of exciting and enchanting attractions, perfect for the whole family. Set amidst natural surroundings, Efteling embodies the magic of all seasons and welcomes you 365 days a year!

Enjoy precious moments together. Step into this fairytale world full of wondrous tales, sweet dreams and adventures at high speed.

Step into the enchanted world of fairies and trolls on a “Droomvlucht” dream ride, come together during the exciting theme park show Raveleijn and round out your wonderful day in Efteling with Europe’s largest aquatic fair, Aquanura.



Blackpool Pleasure Beach
Blackpool – United Kingdom
Amusement parks in Europe
Blackpool Pleasure Beach
This theme park offers great thrills and spills – it’s a UK theme park with a mix of unique rides and family activities.

You can experience the legendary Big One to test your nerves, head to Nickelodeon Land for 12 thrilling rides, or there’s a Wallace & Gromit Thrill-O-Matic to delight your kids and satisfy the thrill-seeker in you.

If you are looking for one of the best theme parks in the UK, Blackpool Pleasure Beach is The Big One. With the best games, offers and prices.



Vienna, Austria
Amusement parks in Europe
Wiener Prater is a large public park in Vienna’s 2nd district (Leopoldstadt). If people talk about Wiener Parter, they often mean “Wurstelprater”. The so-called “Wurstelprater” is the oldest amusement park in the world.

But Wiener Prater consists of more: Hauptallee (Main Alley), Krieau and Praterstadium (Ernst Happel Stadium) belong to the “Wiener Prater” area.

Prater is first mentioned in a document of 1162 during the reign of Emperor Friedrich I. In 1766, Emperor Joseph II. Donate the area to the people of Vienna. From this point on the Prater was accessible to everyone. After these halls, cinemas, cafes and fun games were created.




Alton Towers
United kingdom
Amusement parks in Europe
Alton Towers
Alton Towers theme park opened on April 4, 1980. Major attractions include Nemesis, Oblivion, Air, Runaway Mine Train, Congo River Rapids, Hex – The Legend of the Towers

Alton Towers is known for creating new types of riding when it comes to roller coasters. They have a bunch of “secret weapons” games that usually bring something new to the industry.

Alton Towers Water Park opened in June 2003. It consists of several swimming pools and slides, including the Master Blaster watercraft.

The water park, along with the adjacent Splash Landings hotel, bears a tropical Caribbean feel with the creation of “Paradise Plumbers” slides.



Legoland Billund
Amusement parks in Europe
Embark on a fun and scary journey in Ghost – The Haunted House. Sneak inside The Haunted House, which is crawling with vampires, ghosts and monsters.

You can hunt ghosts in the enchanted mirror maze and meet The Crazy Scientist and his crazy experience that will make you and your brave family float and maybe even drop you

You can also look forward to being reunited with all the LEGOLAND® activities you know and love. Keep your head calm as you cruise through Polar Land on a snowmobile with the Polar X-plorer roller coaster.

This ride features a unique 5m drop that will turn your blood into ice. Learn about our colony of real live penguins in Bay Penguin. Explore the wonderful Miniland and experience a wonderful world made entirely of cubes


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The most beautiful beaches of Istanbul, Turkey, which we recommend to visit

The most beautiful beaches of Istanbul, Turkey, which we recommend to visit

The beaches of Istanbul Sayer Altankum Beach 
The best beaches in the recommended city of Istanbul



Istanbul is the ancient capital of Turkey, and Istanbul has witnessed the history of three empires “Roman, Byzantine and Turkish”, however, Istanbul is a tourist city that deserves its place due to its charming nature and mild climate and is classified as one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Turkey.

Istanbul has the lion’s share of the Black Sea coast, in addition to parks that provide charming views of the famous Bosphorus. If you are looking for a suitable place for summer holidays, sports and swimming, Istanbul is the right place for you, it is one of the tourist cities that hosts millions of travelers every year because of its distinguished beaches.




In the last ten years, the Istanbul Municipality has worked to open many private beaches in order to stimulate tourism and accommodate the largest number of tourists. In this article, we will talk about the most beautiful beaches of Istanbul.



Nakibey Plaj
Istanbul beaches
naky b
This coast is one of the most important beaches of Istanbul, as it ranks first among the beaches of Istanbul, due to the cleanliness of the beach. The municipality of Istanbul takes care of its cleanliness on a weekly basis, and the Naki Bey coast was established 10 years ago, and it is located on Keri Island.

Nakki Bay Beach is one of the beaches that was opened for families in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four, and it is one of the distinctive places for many visitors from different parts of the world, and one of the most important means of entertainment on Nakki Bay Beach.

Nakki Bay Beach includes many avenues for enjoyment and entertainment, through many water games on the beach, including slides and umbrellas, as well as many seats that provide comfort for family visitors, Nakki Bay Beach is one of the completely safe beaches For children, because it is a completely rock-free beach, as it has only fun golden sand.


Dalyan Coast
Istanbul beaches
Dalian Coast
The beach is located in the area of ​​Damercikoy. It overlooks the Black Sea, and contains many playgrounds, restaurants, recreational and cultural cafes dedicated to reading books in a wonderful calm. The entrance fee to the Dalia coast is 15 lira.



Solar Beach
Istanbul beaches
Solar Coast
Solar Coast One of the most beautiful beaches of Istanbul is Solar Beach, because of its large area, with a total area of ​​30,000 km. It is the largest of Istanbul’s beaches, and the coast remains open 24 hours a day, and it is the only beach that is distinguished by this. There are concerts and a number of playgrounds, as well as a place for children. This beach is located in the district of Kilios.

Solar Beach is one of the largest and purest beaches in Istanbul, and therefore the area contains many beaches and family coasts equipped to receive its visitors in the summer.



Golden Beach
Istanbul beaches
Golden Coast
The Golden Coast is one of the most beautiful places to spend a fun time and practice your favorite sports. The Golden Coast includes a jogging track and a cycling track. The beach also contains a number of handball fields, basketball courts, and volleyball courts. The beach is located in the area of ​​Rumali Feneri. It overlooks the Black Sea.

It is necessary to mention the climbing walls that simulate mountains, which provide an opportunity to practice climbing. Visitors are received between eight and five hours.



Burc Beach
Istanbul beaches
Bourges Coast
The Burj coast is one of the distinctive beaches in Istanbul. The beach is located in the Omesh Dara area. The Burj coast includes the largest café. The café can accommodate 150 people, and there is a car park that can accommodate 600 cars. The coast is located near Gogazic University.




Udo Istanbul Coast
Istanbul beaches
Odo Coast Istanbul
Within the Tuzla district, on the Asian side of Istanbul, lies the Ordu Coast, which is known for its gym and great restaurant. With its pleasant coastal atmosphere, the Odo Coast attracts many visitors from all regions of Istanbul. The Odo coast also gives its visitors the opportunity to enjoy surfing through a professional team specialized in this type of sport.

Work on the Odo Coast begins at eight in the morning and continues until six in the evening. The coast of Odo Istanbul gives its visitors the opportunity to practice surfing through a professional training team.



Kamos Coast
Istanbul beaches
Kamos Coast
Despite the small area of ​​the coast of Kamos, it is distinguished by the quality of the services it provides. Many parties and barbecues are organized in the coast, and it is adjacent to the Nakki Bee coast, where it is located on the island of Kinali.



Florya Coast
Istanbul beaches
Florya Coast
It is located in the west of Istanbul in the Florya region, and it can be reached by metrobus or municipal buses. It receives visitors between nine in the morning and six in the evening.

When you visit Florya Beach, you can enjoy the picturesque landscapes where you can sit and breathe the cool breeze on Florya Beach, especially when the sea embraces the sun at sunset, and stroll among the vast green spaces decorated with colorful flowers.

Huge long-lived trees at Florya Coast Park, facing the beach.



Kilyos Beach
Istanbul beaches
Kilios Beach
Kilios Beach enjoys a privileged location on the Black Sea, providing it with a beautiful nature, where the sand and the nearby hills are covered with green, clear turquoise waters, in addition to a series of high-end restaurants and cafes with a recreational atmosphere that attracts the attention of families, and all these ingredients have helped make Kilios one of the most beautiful beaches of Istanbul. When you visit this beach, you can practice some popular sports such as walking, jogging and cycling.

And you will spend a wonderful day between playing on the soft golden sand and diving in the clear blue water. And in the evening, don’t miss the opportunity to spend some time on the beach at night, enjoying the cool breeze and sipping your favorite drink amidst the twinkling lights everywhere.

Caddebostan beach . Caddebostan beach



Istanbul beaches
very beach bostan
Jedda Bostan Beach is one of the most famous beaches in Istanbul because of its cleanliness and clear waters of multiple depths, and for being one of the well-served beaches. The beach is located on the Asian side of the city, in the Kadikoy district of Istanbul in particular, and consists of three beaches, two of which are public, and the third is private.

When you visit this beach, you can enjoy walking, sitting on the designated seats and enjoying the scenic views. You can also swim in the waters of Jidda Bostan Beach, which is characterized by its multiple depths, making it suitable for everyone, and for children in particular, and do not forget to take souvenir photos on this beautiful beach.



Sarıyer Altınkum Beach
Istanbul beaches
Sayer Al Tankum Beach
In Turkey, some beaches are also designated for women only, where they can enjoy a fun and relaxing day under the sun. Sayer Al-Tamkom Beach is one of the most prominent of these beaches, as it was equipped with the best amenities, with dressing rooms suitable for women, as well as a high-level medical team to handle emergency cases.

This beach allows mothers to bring their children under the age of ten, while providing many facilities such as changing rooms, showers, chairs, tables and umbrellas.

As for the entry fees, they are divided as follows: free entry for children under 7 years old, 10 Turkish liras for the age of 7 to 10 years, women and children over 11 years old at 30 Turkish liras, while boys under nine years old can enter with their mothers.



Uzunya Beach
Istanbul beaches
Uzonia beach
Uzunya Beach is considered the most natural beach among the beaches of Istanbul. It is located within a small bay on the Black Sea. The beach is calm and beautiful and gets crowded in the summer. There are umbrellas made of reeds and bamboo. You can lie on the grass or on the sand.


Blue Beach
Istanbul beaches
blue beach
It is characterized by its wonderful view of the sea, where you can watch boats and islands from Kalamesh Marina, and it is possible to see and enjoy the sunset. The blue beach is characterized by beautiful sand, and it contains a number of swimming pools, many buffets and restaurants, and sometimes there are some bands,

It is considered one of Istanbul’s most popular beaches, as it is filled with summertime and visitors, and some entertainment parties, competitions and various activities are organized.



Wattabe Beach
Istanbul beaches
Wattab Beach
This beach is the first beach for natural sports in Istanbul. This beach is located on the Sea of ​​Marmara, about 55 km away from the city. It is considered one of the most suitable beaches for nature lovers,

It is possible to sit under the trees to take cover from the sun or lie on the grass, and do a number of special activities. On Watap Beach, you can ride mountain bikes and sea jogging.

Non-stop Beach
Istanbul beaches
Non stop beach
The atmosphere of this beach is like its name, as many events and activities are held on it, such as parties, water sports, and other activities. Noon Stop Beach includes a buffet and a restaurant.



Babylon Beach
Istanbul beaches
Babylon Beach
One of the most important beaches in Istanbul, it hosts many international beach festivals, and offers a high level of fun to all its visitors.

It is located on Kilios Bay, on the European side of Istanbul, and is the perfect beach for recreation.

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There are many shaded beach chairs that give visitors a rest and

There are many shaded beach chairs that give visitors a rest and



relaxation period away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It is also possible to eat from one of the restaurants in the area near the beach, or cafes that serve hot and cold drinks.


Visiting restaurants and cafes
Beach in Abu Dhabi

The best thing about the Al Raha area is a wonderful and luxurious group of restaurants and cafes with stunning views of the developed Al Raha Beach, including the Azure Restaurant located in the Al Raha Beach Hotel, and the Pacifico Tiki Restaurant, which offers a view of the Gulf. You should also visit the Art House Café, which is considered as entry Entering the wonderful decorations that express art, including the colorful dishes on the wall.



Entertaining children
There is also a large area with many children’s games that help them empty their energies with movement and activity. There are games such as high slides, simple swings, corridors, and others.

Al Raha Beach Abu Dhabi
Al Raha Beach is located in the Al Raha Beach area in the direction of the public beach and along Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Street. To see the location on the map, click here.

Opening hours for Al Raha Beach Abu Dhabi
You can visit Al Raha Beach and enjoy recreation and water sports at any time.

Hotels near Al Raha Beach, Abu Dhabi


Al Raha Beach Hotel
A luxurious 5-star hotel, with panoramic views of the Corniche coast, connected to Al Raha Mall and located near the business district. It also offers Wi-Fi in all areas, and has various facilities, including 3 swimming pools and a spa center, read more.

Nesma luxury apartments
Nesma Hotel offers a group of luxurious apartments that are characterized by light colors and spacious spaces, and


have a wonderful view of the garden and swimming pool, and are furnished with the finest modern decorations, and provide free Wi-Fi.

the shopping
Shop from the individual shops in the Al Raha Beach area or from the large Al Raha Mall, which includes shops selling famous brands in addition to local goods, as well as salons and electronic stores, with a wide range of restaurants and various entertainment options.


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