10 tourist destinations for the wealthy in 2018, led by Greece
10 destinations for the rich in 2018 led by Greece 10 destinations for the rich in 2018 led by Greece
The global luxury tourism network Virtuoso announced that Greece has been chosen as the fastest growing tourist destin
ation for the year 2018 and the most requested in the world at the level of affluent vacationers.
And “Virtuso” is a network of the best luxury travel agencies around the world, and it owns more than 17,500 consultants and offices around the world, in various tourism fields.
The network analyzed its repository of business, which amounted to $40.7 billion in transactions, to reveal the top tourist destinations for upscale travelers in the summer of 2018, as well as the fastest growing attractions.
Greece topped the list, while two Arab countries came in the ranking, namely Morocco in sixth place, and Egypt in tenth place in the same list.
The ranking of the top ten destinations is as follows:
Dominican Republic
Morocco, West, sunset
Turks and Caicos Islands
San Lucia